Are you looking to invest in Tata Motors? Check out the latest Tata Motors share price prediction for the upcoming years ahead. We have analyzed various key factors i.e. fundamental analysis, technical analysis, shareholding Pattern and business model of the company to provide you insights on the future potential of Tata Motors shares and Share price targets. This detailed guide will definitely help you to make informed decisions.
About Tata Motors Limited
Tata Motors Limited (NSE: TATAMOTORS), one of India’s biggest automakers produces everything from luxury vehicles to passenger vehicles, commercial trucks and buses. Tata Motors is the largest electric vehicles (EVs) producer in India. With a extensive product portfolio and subsidiaries such as Jaguar, Land Rover, Tata Daewoo, the company is well positioned for future growth.
Tata Motors Share Technical Analysis
The shares of Tata Motors is currently trading below 5 days, 10 days, 20 days, 50 days, 100 days as well as 200 days moving averages. This indicates a strong bearish zone for Tata Motors shares. The relative strength index (RSI) is nearly 35 which indicates that the shares of Tata Motors has been oversold recently. It is likely the stock price will bounce back as the company is taking counter measure against debts.
Financial Performance of the Company
If you look at the financial performance of the company, you can clearly see that net profit of the company has surged 189.65% to Rs 7,902.8 crore against Rs 2,728.13 crore previous year. Revenue of the company has also increased by 11.48%. Despite the poor sales performance in the latest quarter Tata Motors have managed their inventory efficiently. Despite the weak third Quarterly Results, Tata motors is a strong fundamental company with a strong background so it is expected the revenue of company will grow with upcoming new models of Tata vehicles.
Tata Motors Fundamental Analysis
Let’s quickly look at some of the basic fundamentals of the company to get an overview of the company’s future growth potential.
Market Cap | Rs 3,42,303.82 Crore |
52 Week High/Low | Rs 1,179 / Rs 516.60 |
Face Value | Rs 2 |
Book Value | Rs 87.53 |
ROE | 30.12% |
ROCE | 22.42% |
P/B Ratio | 10.62 |
P/E Ratio | 33.70 |
Dividend Yield | 0.65% |
Sales Growth | 11.48% |
Profit Growth | 189.65% |
EPS (TTM) | Rs 27.59 |
Promoter Holding | 46.36% |
Tata Motors Share Price Prediction for 2025, 2030, 2040, 2045 and 2050
Tata Motors share price target are as follows: ₹1,300 in 2025, ₹1,384.50 in 2026 ₹1,520 in 2027 ₹1,728 in 2028, ₹1,962 in 2029, ₹2,095 in 2030, ₹2,764 in 2035, ₹3,152 in 2040, ₹3,471 in 2045 and ₹4,016 in 2050
Tata Motors Share Price Prediction 2025
Tata Motors share price is expected to begin at ₹750 in 2025, then rise significantly throughout the year to reach a maximum ₹1,300, a significant 45% increase from its current price. Considering the market volatility, share price may fall to a minimum ₹1,026.18
The most recent forecasts by analysts indicate that Tata Motors Share price will rise sharply during the next several month. Despite the price fluctuations, the upward trend is anticipated to continue throughout the year.
Year | Minimum Target | Maximum Target |
2025 | ₹1,026.18 | ₹1,300 |
Also Read: IRFC Share Price Target 2024 to 2050
Tata Motors Share Price Prediction 2026
Tata motors share price target for 2026 is expected to vary between a maximum ₹1,384.50 and minimum ₹1,198. Market experts predict that Tata Motors Limited revenue will increase by 30% between these two years, indicating a strong position in the automobile sector.
Year | Minimum Target | Maximum Target |
2026 | ₹1,198 | ₹1,384.50 |
Tata Motors Share Price Prediction 2027
Tata Motors share price in 2027 is estimated to reach ₹1,461 in the first half of the year then continue its upward trend to reach a maximum ₹1,520 by the end of the year. With some volatility in the market, the share value is expected to potentially reach a minimum ₹1,206 per share.
Year | Minimum Target | Maximum Target |
2027 | ₹1,206 | ₹1,520 |
Tata Motors Share Price Prediction 2028
The shares of Tata Motors are expected to experience significant growth over the next few years. In 2028, the share price target for Tata Motors can be maximum ₹1,728 and minimum ₹1,378. This projection takes into account the company’s steady growth in the coming years ahead.
Year | Minimum Target | Maximum Target |
2028 | ₹1,378 | ₹1,728 |
Tata Motors Share Price Prediction 2029
In 2029, Tata Motors shares can be maximum ₹1,962 if the company maintains its steady growth. With some volatility in the market, it may touch a low of ₹1,451. Overall the price trajectory remains in an upward trend throughout the year.
Year | Minimum Target | Maximum Target |
2029 | ₹1,451 | ₹1,962 |
Tata Motors Share Price Target 2030
Tata Motors share price target for 2030 can be maximum ₹2,095 and minimum ₹1,560. Tata Motors already holds more than 68% market share in the 4 wheeler segment in India. In addition, the company is preparing to launch an IPO for its subsidiary Tata mobility passenger Ltd to increase investment in the EV sector and capitalize on the passenger vehicle market. Considering the growth opportunities, the share price of Tata Motors is expected to increase exponentially in future. .
Year | Minimum Target | Maximum Target |
2030 | ₹1,560 | ₹2,095 |
Tata Motors Share Price Target 2034
In 2034, the shares of Tata Motors are expected to move in an upward trajectory throughout the year. Tata share price can reach a maximum ₹2,528 and minimum ₹2,227, representing a 20.66% gain between these 4 years.
Year | Minimum Target | Maximum Target |
2034 | ₹2,227 | ₹2,528 |
Tata Motors Share Price Prediction 2035
Tata Motors is the leading EV producer in India with over 72% market share. As the Electric Vehicle industries are growing rapidly, Tata Motors will have the advantage to dominate the Indian EV sector for several years. Keeping this in mind, Tata Motors price target can be maximum ₹2,764 and minimum ₹2,326 in 2035.
Year | Minimum Target | Maximum Target |
2035 | ₹2,326 | ₹2,764 |
Tata Motors Share Price Prediction 2040
In 2040, the positive trend is likely to remain the same despite some volatility in the market. Our projection indicates that Tata Motors share price will reach a maximum ₹3,152 in 2040, with a minimum ₹2,496.
Year | Minimum Target | Maximum Target |
2040 | ₹2,496 | ₹3,152 |
Tata Motors Share Price Target 2045
Based on the analysis the shares of Tata Motors is expected to soar a maximum ₹3,471 and minimum ₹2,700, representing a huge growth in between these years.
Year | Minimum Target | Maximum Target |
2045 | ₹2,700 | ₹3,471 |
Tata Motors Share Price Prediction 2050
Tata Motors Long-term target is expected to reach a maximum ₹4,016 in 2050. This projection takes into account the company’s continued growth financially as well as the share price.
Year | Minimum Target | Maximum Target |
2050 | ₹3,082 | ₹4,016 |
Summary of Tata Motors Share Price Target from 2025-2050
Year | Minimum Target | Maximum Target |
2025 | ₹1,026.18 | ₹1,300 |
2026 | ₹1,198 | ₹1,384.50 |
2027 | ₹1,206 | ₹1,520 |
2028 | ₹1,378 | ₹1,728 |
2029 | ₹1,451 | ₹1,962 |
2030 | ₹1,560 | ₹2,095 |
2035 | ₹2,326 | ₹2,764 |
2040 | ₹2,496 | ₹3,152 |
2045 | ₹2,700 | ₹3,471 |
2050 | ₹3,082 | ₹4,016 |
Tata Motors Share Holding Pattern
Let’s quickly look at the share Holding pattern of the company.
Month | Promoters | FIIs | DIIs | Public Holding |
Sep-24 | 41.86% | 18.13% | 13.40% | 17.70% |
Jun-24 | 46.36% | 18.17% | 16.02% | 17.60% |
Mar-24 | 46.36% | 19.20% | 16.08% | 18.30% |
Dec-23 | 46.37% | 18.62% | 17.34% | 18.17% |
Sep-23 | 46.38% | 18.41% | 17.46% | 26.55% |
What is the target of Tata Motors Share?
In 2025, the shares of Tata Motors is expected to reach a maximum Rs 1,300
What is the target price of Tata Motors in 2025?
Tata Motors price target in 2025 is expected to range between a minimum Rs 1,026.18 and maximum Rs 1,300
What is the target price of Tata Motors Share in 2030?
In 2030, the shares of Tata Motors is expected to reach a maximum Rs 2,095 and minimum Rs 1,560
What is the share price target for Tata Motors in 2035?
Tata Motors price target in 2035 is expected to range between a minimum Rs 2,326 and maximum Rs 2,764
What is the price target of Tata Motors in 2040?
Tata Motors price target in 2040 is expected to range between a minimum Rs 2,496 and maximum Rs 3,152
What is the price target of Tata Motors in 2050?
In 2050, the shares of Tata Motors is expected to reach a maximum Rs 4,016 and minimum Rs 3,082
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