Goal Planning – Lumpsum

Lumpsum Goal Calculator

Dream, plan, invest, and believe, lumpsum magic helps you achieve.

Goal Planning – Lumpsum Calculator

If you want to go somewhere, you need first to know where you stand and the direction of your destination. In the same manner you just imagine if you got a clear idea of how much you need to invest today to reach your financial goals in the future. So in this time you need to analyze your current financial status, do financial planning and plan your future goals. Now a lumpsum goal calculator do exactly for you. It’s an online tool that tells you the total desired amount to invest now for future targets to achieve your goals easily.

Goal planning – Lumpsum calculator helps you become financially secure and channelize your current financial investments, This calculator provide a clear picture of how much you need to invest today to reach your financial goals in the future.

How does our Goal Planning Lumpsum Calculator work?

Goal Planning Lumpsum calculator is an online tool used by investors to find how much money required for achieve goal in future and also If you use our inflation section so our calculator tells you how much amount required for your goals to beat inflation, If you want this so click on “Yes” in the dropdown menu to adjust for inflation and we assume average rate of inflation is 6% and do calculations for you.

Above is the formula that we have used in this Goal Planning Lumpsum Calculator:

Actual Formula : FV = P (1 + r/n) ^ nt

We arrange for this calculator : FV = PV * (1 + r)^n

We add Inflation rate opption : Inflation-adjusted goal = Goal amount * (1 + inflation rate)^n

PV = Inflation-adjusted goal / (1 + r)^n

In the above formula: FV is the future value, P is the present value of the invested amount, r is the estimated rate of return per annum (in %), t is the total time duration of investment & n is the number of times interest is compounded in a year.

Note : The rate of interest on a Lumpsum will differ as per market conditions. It may increase or decrease, which will change the final estimated returns.

Targeted Wealth/Goal: Enter your future goal amount.

Expected Annual Rate of Return (%): Here, you need to enter the interest rate that you that you achieve on your investments during the entire period.

Tenure (In Years): Here, you need to enter the interest rate that you expect for the investments made during the entire period. In this SIP calculator, you need to put rate of return on per annum basis.

Investment Duration (Years) / Tenure: How many years do you want to achieve this goal? Enter this period

Inflation Adjustment: This allows you to factor in inflation to ensure that your future amount will retain its purchasing power. We assume 6% inflation rate.

Final Result: Now our calculator performs the calculations and delivers the magical number that tells you how much investment you need to make today to reach your goal amount in the specified timeframe.

Our calculator is completely userfriendly and provides the result within second so user gets results instantly.

Goal Planning – Lumpsum Investment Example

For example, you start a SIP

  • Goal : Rs. 1 Lakh
  • Duration: 5 years (60 months)
  • Expected return: 8% annually (Remember, this is an estimate, actual returns can vary)
  • Inflation Adjustment: [Yes : We assume 6% or No : We calculate based on your actual goal.]

Calculations :

Without Inflation : PV = ₹1,00,000 / (1 + 0.08)^5 = ₹68058

With Inflation: First Calculate Target Goal with Inflation rate

Inflation-adjusted goal = ₹1,00,000 * (1 + 0.06)^5

Inflation-adjusted goal ≈ ₹1,33,822

Now add this into given formula

PV = ₹1,33,822 / (1 + 0.08)^5 = ₹91077

Here’s a possible scenario

  1. Result without Inflation Adjustment: You need invest ₹68058 today for achieving your goal within 5 years.
  2. Result with Inflation Adjustment: You need invest ₹91077 today for achieving your goal within 5 years with Inflation rate, your inflation adjusted value of your goal is ₹133822

Advantages of Trademint’s Goal Planning – Lumpsum

TradeMint offers the best Lumpsum Goal Planning calculator, which provides the following advantages:

  • Goal Clarity
  • Investment Planning
  • Promotes Early Investment
  • Financial Planning – This calculator motivates you for how investment is most important and how to achieve financial targets.

Final Words

By using our goal planning lumpsum calculator, you can approach your investment decisions with more information that improve your long-term financial planning.

Start planning your financial future today!

Remember: This Goal Planning Lumpsum calculator provides an estimation. Actual returns may vary depending on market performance and other factors.

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